All about the comedy short film Karen
Everyone knows a Karen – that quarrelsome, demanding woman from thousands of memes who insists on speaking to the manager.
Without giving too much of this hilarious storyline away, the film deals with a Karen (real name Susan) who goes viral after throwing a tantrum in a coffee shop about the milk in her cup.
Here are a few interesting facts about Karen, the short film, and the formidable team that made this razor-sharp comedy:
- Karen is the brainchild of Almero Welgemoed. If the name rings a bell, it should. The talented musician, poet and painter, is now also a first-time film director and writer.
- The role of Karen, aka Susan, is played by Laura-Lee Mostert. She also co-produced the film with Almero and Bouwer Bosch.
- Franci Swanepoel plays Susan’s bombastic mother who jumps in to restore her daughter’s good name. It was the last film project the beloved actress completed before passing away, and the team pays tribute to Franci in the final credits.
- In addition to Almero Welgemoed and Bouwer Bosch, a number of musicians were involved in the film. The young singer and songwriter, Abigail Heyns, makes her debut as an actress in the role of the coffee shop’s waitress. Nagtegaal Augusta Zietsman, a bewildered customer in the coffee shop, was also the assistant director. Another musician who pops up is Danie Bornman.
- Almero’s brother, Nico Welgemoed, is the cinematographer of Karen.
- The two brothers had previously entered the Silwerskerm Festival’s short film mentorship project, but didn’t make the shortlist. Almero was reluctant to try again. Besides, he was broke. Luckily his wife, Miné, was convinced that Karen would be a winner. Miné offered to lend him the R300 entry fee. According to Almero, it’s the best R300 he ever borrowed. He still has to pay it back.
- Bouwer, Almero and Nico come a long way together. It started when Bouwer saw their music videos on YouTube in 2016. He immediately invited them to Johannesburg so they could write and record music together. After the visit, the two brothers packed up and moved to Jo’burg.
- Bouwer also has a small cameo in Karen. Almero says co-producer Bouwer taught him that filmmaking is a team sport.
- The production and set design in Karen are exceptional. Almero and Nico gave each character’s living space a specific colour. Susan’s mother’s house is decorated in shades of green, in contrast with Susan’s red. There are hints of red in her mother’s home, as Susan moved in with her after her divorce. Almero’s home, with its green walls, was used for Susan’s mother’s place.
- Burger Meyer helped with set design and props. The kitsch porcelain puppies in the mother’s house should crack a few smiles with viewers.
- Another interesting fact about Almero, which has absolutely nothing to do with Karen: Apart from singing, writing and making films, his dream is to sing a song for Riaan Cruywagen. Who knows, perhaps Riaan notices him with Karen!
Karen screens on Friday 25 August at 09:00 at the festival and will be available on kykNET and Showmax thereafter.